Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What we’ve been waiting for: Miley Cyrus’ musical tribute to Occupy Wall Street

Redrant:  The fleabaggers get a has been musics star.  I had never heard of Miley Cyrus/Hanna Montana until we had a ticket scalping thing here half a decade ago.  Her local fan base was apparently the pre-teen daughters from relatively affluent families.  Basically, Ticketmaster insiders bought up the best half of the tickets and scapled them.  There was bipartisan anger at Tickemaster which turned out to be effective at least locally.  Basically the well very middle class parents of these pre-teens went to the the defense of their daughters calling politicians about the evil of Ticketmaster.  This was a very potent bipartisan effort.  Minnesota passed a law on preferred customer pre-sales of tickets.  Not big on the grand scale of things but it was a way to teach their children how the political system can be legitimately used.

After Miley Cyrus turned 18 and got out of the Disney contract she did a (gotta say it) "way too gay!"  image change campaign.  "Way too gay" doesn't mean lesbian but way overdone, doubling down or "jumping the shark".  It seemed there was a Miley Cyrus "shocker of the day" where it became obviously that it was an overdone, planned campaign.  Then came the fake pot thing.

I get the sense that Miley Cyrus's star appeal has fallen like a rock.  The song is a techno-mix.  If you have a little money for production almost anyone can sound good.  She has good singing skills so the song sounds good.  That said, have you heard anything in the media about Miley Cyrus/Hanna Montana in the last year?
Greg Lang

What we’ve been waiting for: Miley Cyrus’ musical tribute to Occupy Wall Street


Oh, the irony. Thanks to capitalism, she’s filthy rich (estimated earnings of $48 million in 2010!) — as much a part of the 1 percent as Michael Moore and just as ignorant of her membership in it. But never mind all that: The oh-so-desperate-to-be-an-adult Miley Cyrus proves her invincible immaturity with a remixed-song-and-video-tribute to Occupy Wall Street, unaptly named “Liberty Walk.” Doesn’t she realize it’s the Tea Party that proudly and rebelliously says, “Don’t tread on me”? No, of course she doesn’t, any more than Mila Kunis understands Middle America.
If she annoys me so much, why am I posting this? I ask myself that, too. I could say it’s because I want all capitalists everywhere to vote with their dollars against her and other prone-to-pop-off pop stars. But that wouldn’t be entirely true. The truth is, I kinda like the beat. It’s a very danceable song. Then, too, there is the profundity of the lyrics: “Don’t live a lie. This is your one life. Just walk.” Inspiring.

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