Friday, May 27, 2011

A Tale of Two Doomsayers: Harold Camping and Al Gore have a lot in common

A Tale of Two Doomsayers

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By Elmer Beauregard
Harold Camping and Al Gore have a lot in common
Both are self proclaimed prophets predicting the end of the world.
Both have benefited financially by their fear mongering.
Both of their predictions failed to come true.
Both have changed their predictions to a later date.
The main difference between the two is the press makes fun of Camping but at the same time still supports Gore.
It's been 5 years since Al Gore came out with his film "An Inconvenient Truth" which I refer to as "A Convenient Lie". And it is still held up as the definitive piece on Global Warming. Public schools still show it to their students and politicians are still using it to drive policy.

Even though all of the predictions Al made in his movie have not come true or have been disproved.

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