Friday, June 27, 2008

Off subject but Colorado is busting gutter rainwater collection

This is beyond stupid but of course Denver is requiring color coded local grown organic food from vendors at the upcoming Dem convention. With water there is usually a difference between "using" and "mining" a resource. In the case of water drilling would constitute "mining" and this might include a platted creek on a large piece of land. The roof barrels are just absurd. To give a personal example the roof "footprint" on my would be around 1200 square feet. My garage would be around 780 square feet, make it 800 for a grand total of 2,000 square foot. I won't try the math per inch of rain. Here in the Twin Cities, MN (home of the Republican Convention) they mandate storm water collection ponds on large new parking lots. The encourage these at home and also encourage roof gutter collection systems. You people are weird!

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