Monday, February 13, 2012

Poll: Minnesota voters support right to work referendum … 55/24

REDRANT:  When he was a freshman US Senator Mark "duck and cover" Dayton heard a standard Homeland Security briefing.  It was classified but it likely included mention of two unaccounted for Russian "backpack nukes".  

US News had a story on this around 1990.  There was probably talk of increased "chatter" and a raised threat level during the Christmas holidays.  Then Senator Dayton altered the media, holding a press conference announcing that because he cared about his DC staff he was closing his DC office over the holidays.

Other more experienced Senators heard the same briefing, some in the same session with Dayton.  They could give details but described it a "standard".  

Many commentators noted that Dayton could just as easily put a notice on his office website and a note on the door saying that the office was closed so staff could enjoy the holidays with their family with forwarding info and a note that activity was low in DC during the holidays.

Dayton pretty much faded during the rest of his single senate term.  He admitted that he went back to abusive drinking after the "duck and cover" incident. 

Recently, as Governor of Minnesota Dayton has had an "erratic" pattern of personal attacks on Republican legislators and their action.  There is almost a "office pool" in Minnesota of when Dayton will have another mental breakdown.  Is this the "slippery slope?  Greg Lang

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