Friday, December 23, 2011


REDRANT:  COMMENT I POSTED:  "If someone actually feels the need to parody the Occupy movement they could do a mock "Occupy of the Day". I just checked and is available. Like the "Occupy Black Friday" flop you could have an event of the day that is "occupied". For example, around January sixth you have the solar apogee when the sun is closest to the earth. You get the idea! The "mastermind" behind occupy of the day would be F. Lee Bagger. It could also be a catchall for stories, cartoons and U-Tube videos dissing "occupy". It could have a "redux" section where politicians, media people and celebrities were positive about Occupy in the past. My rules on this is that if you make a public statement and don't renounce as publicly it is still your view.".


I am pretty sure this is not a parody, but rather a straight news story about an effort to Occupy Darien, Connecticut: First Day of Occupy Darien Draws Small Crowd:
The first day of the Occupy Darien demonstration got off to a slow start at a wet Tilley Park in Darien on Wednesday morning with about 10 protesters coming out for the event.
Cole Stangler of New Canaan was the first to arrive, carrying a sign that said, “End the Wars, Tax the Rich. This is one of the great photos and photo captions of all time:
 Posted comment on guy holding the cardboard sign:  "Cole Stangler is a student at Georgetown Foreign Service School and lives at ___ Weed St. in New Canaaan, CT according to ZABA Search. Zillow says the house he lives in is valued at $1,707,500. It doesn’t identify whether that is in the top 1% or the bottom 99%. I suspect the former.
Trudi Goldberg delivers a speech to Cole Stangler, Richard Duffee and Bennett Weiss at Occupy Darien.
A demonstration where those who attended can be identified individually, by name–hilarious! The Occupation movement is a gift; let’s hope it keeps on giving.

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