Monday, August 29, 2011


"Next, Michele Bachmann. In Florida, she said yesterday that the United States has the world’s largest energy resources, but we are prevented from exploiting them by radical environmentalists:
With untapped oil reserves in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and off the nation’s coasts, shale oil in Western states, and rich natural gas and coal deposits, she said the U.S. “is sitting on a mother lode of treasure.”
“The United States is the number one country in the world for energy resources,” the Minnesota congresswoman told a central Florida town hall meeting, arguing that in shale deposits alone the U.S. easily outstrips the total oil supply of Saudi Arabia. “That doesn’t even include … all the oil in Alaska.”
But Bachmann said environmentalists were preventing resources from being exploited, leaving the U.S. dependent on energy imports. …
“The radical environmentalists have demanded that we lock up all our energy resources,” she added. “President Bachmann will take that key out of the door. I will unlock it.”
The crowd at the upscale retirement community cheered wildly.
As well they should. I hope Bachmann keeps up this line of attack. As we have pointed outmore than once, she is correct: the United States has more fossil fuel energy resources than any other country (Russia is second and Saudi Arabia third). The Obama administration has perversely gone out of its way to suppress energy development here at home, instead preferring to ship high-paying jobs to Brazil and other countries. It would be a great thing if the presidential primary campaign serves to pound that lesson home.

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